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Working with the glen ranger and Viewpark conservation group.

At our nursery we spend a lot of time exploring the glen behind our nursery. We have linked up with ranger Douglas at the Viewpark conservation group.

On his first visit to the nursery ranger Douglas helped us make a big hotel for our garden. He built a structure and the children joined in adding sticks, pots and bricks. We also planted some wild flowers and apple mint in the planters on the side of the big hotel. Ranger Douglas was explaining to the children about the different bugs we may have stay at our hotel and we also learned about the different plants growing in our garden.

Our next visit with ranger Douglas was down the glen to go bug hunting. We found millipedes, wood louse and slugs. We also spotted some signs of spring coming in the trees and on the ground. Ranger Douglas has so much knowledge and the children learned so many new facts.

It is so important to teach children about nature and pass on knowledge and the importance of caring for our environment. We can't wait for our next visit.

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